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My father is a Geologist and I grew up amongst topographic maps that
depicted the subject of his work. I translated topographic principles
to better explore the human body and notions of posture and comfort. In
structural geology, a syncline is typically a downward fold recognized
as a sequence of rock layers.

I love when conversations and
energies just flow effortlessly. Simply glide into the chair however you
want ; with friends, colleagues or people you just met.

Our bodies have no straight lines, so why should our furniture?

The surface is covered with a thick layer of felt to give a cushioned comfort
This Exaggerated curve is made by bending two plywood pieces together at different depths that contour the human body with stunning ease
Furniture often asks us to sit in one way, when we actually prefer constant movement.
Project Description

My father is a Geologist and I grew up amongst topographic maps that depicted the subject of his work. I translated topographic principles to better explore the human body and notions of posture and comfort. In structural geology, a syncline is typically a downward fold recognized as a sequence of rock layers.

I love when conversations and energies just flow effortlessly. Simply glide into the chair however you want ; with friends, colleagues or people you just met.

Our bodies have no straight lines, so why should our furniture?


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Image Mingle Colour is a powerful communication tool and can be used…
by Jayati Sinha
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