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A Rough Diamond

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Project Description

Designed by Estuyo Architect, this new ‘A Rough Diamond’ project transforms a former car workshop into a modern, spectacular and eco efficient workspace. This studio is used for multi disciplinary activities of Boa Mistura, a well known artist collective headquartered in Madrid.

The installation of the underfloor heating and cooling system powered by aerothermal energy provides artists the necessary comfort to work. Multiple construction materials are exposed giving the space a vintage feel. The old structure features are exposed to a minimum by partitioning the building with concrete block and brick walls as well as new woodwork and hardware elements with their natural finishing.

The Client: Boa Mistura
Website: www.boamistura.com
Instagram: @boamistura

Project by: Estuyo Architects
Head Architect: Jaime Yndurain
Website: www.estuyo.cargo.site
Instagram: @estuyo.studio

Photographer: Javier de Paz Garcia
Website: www.estudioballoon.es
Instagram: @javierdepazgarcia


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Javier de Paz Garcia

Javier de Paz Garcia

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